Beyond Belief

May 15, 1997 · Print This Article

The 9-level SP episode for Quake that got me my first job in the gaming industry. Back in its days this got over 10000 downloads in the first two days. There’s also various speedruns available. Start map, seven regular levels and a secret map.

Here’s a nice review/retrospective of Beyond Belief.

Download Beyond Belief.
Download the Beyond Belief Prog Files for Tenebrae.
Download the Beyond Belief .map files (can be loaded in any Quake editor).
Download the Speed Beyond Belief demos (BBelief completed in 4:25 minutes!).
Download the Speed Completely Beyond Belief demos (100% kills and secrets).
Download the Speed Beyond Belief Lite demos (completed in 2:20 on Easy).



8 Responses to “Beyond Belief”

  1. Happy Birthday Beyond Belief! | Homepage: Matthias Worch on August 6th, 2008 10:53 am

    [...] things I would have done differently in those levels. If you still got Quake installed, why not download the levels and play them (again)? I think I [...]

  2. Sissy on February 3rd, 2010 4:04 pm

    The teleport in the spike trap in the BBELIEF6 map doesn’t work properly in FitzQuake; there’s no way to avoid being crushed by the spikes. This problem exists in a lot of other clients, according to the thread at … they attribute it to the positioning of the teleport. I have no experience with map customization and was unable to get very far when I tried to edit the map myself. I did manage to figure out how to edit and recompile it, but the new map wasn’t working when I put it into QUAKE_SW\BBELIEF\maps; rather I had to use PakScape to rebuild PAK0.PAK with the updated map…only to find out that the teleport still malfunctions. Also I had a lot of missing textures, even after putting WIZARD.WAD in ../gfx. So basically I failed.

    Is there any chance you could provide a recompiled BBELIEF6.BSP with the fix, and instructions on where to put it so it’ll supersede the one in Beyond Belief’s PAK0.PAK? I’d really like to be able to use a newer client to play Beyond Belief.

  3. negke on February 6th, 2010 3:50 am

    Sissy: The spike trap teleporter in bbelief doesn’t work properly because its destination entity is partially inside a wall. The reason it was done so is to avoid the player from activating the elevator after teleporting. Apparently the original Quake engine and older source ports didn’t have a problem with this.

    To fix this, you don’t need to recompile the map from scratch. Simply locate the entity in question in, the “info_teleport_destination” at the coordinates “1663 -1423 -186″, and change the 1663 to 1643 in a text editor. Then put the .map and the original bbelief6.bsp in the same folder and run “qbsp -onlyents” as well as “light -onlyents”. Now you can replace the old bbelief6.bsp in the .pak with the new one. (Or put it in a pak1.pak if you don’t want to modify the original files)
    Of course you can also change the coordinates in a hex editor, which is even easier as you save a few work steps.

  4. Matthias on February 6th, 2010 10:11 am

    What negke said :) Post again if you still have problems!

  5. Valerio on June 5th, 2011 3:41 am

    I had the same problem reported by Sissy, tested with WinQuake on Windows XP (so playing with original Quake… I think). I could escape the spike trap only using the noclip mode. It would be great if someone fix this and release the map without the issue
    Thanks Matthias for the best Quake 1 SP episode ever released!

  6. Matthias on June 6th, 2011 10:20 pm

    Well, I released the map files :) I guess I could fix it, but so much stuff to do…

  7. Maraakate on September 5th, 2011 4:22 pm

    Here is the file patched for everyone who needs it. I just used a hex editor to change the origin location… should work as long as what everyone is saying about moving the portal is correct.

  8. delor on November 8th, 2011 10:10 pm

    Hi Matthias congrats for your career :)
    BeyondBelief was a competently done q1 episode though not actually my cup of tea cause it was too … ehm Quaky, you know what I mean, too classic/standard faithful to original game.
    I like more outdoor levels with expanded palette from the usual brown/grey quakey !
    I’m also a mapper creating my own mod(total conveersion that is.)

    anyway congratulation and keep on !

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