GDC Talk
March 9, 2005 · Print This Article
So I’ve officially survived this year’s GDC talk. If you came here looking for the slides please give me a few days to get everything up to snuff, I’ll make them available for download shortly.
I think it went pretty well if you disregard the fact that I was 20 minutes lates (I have an excuse, but I doubt anybody wants to hear it) and if you consider that I was doing the thing on only three hours of sleep (had to rerender a corrupted movie late last night). I’m looking forward to getting the feedback forms and seeing what people thought. I wanted to make sure that everybody got something out of it, and be it just a lead to a potetial program. Hopefully it didn’t come across too much like an unsolicited sales pitch for CySlice
Update 03/16: Almost there, just have to record some movies demonstrating the programs.
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