IGDA Page Updated

September 22, 2005

The SF IGDA page has been updated with more comprehensive description of my talk on October 4.

Lair Screenshot

September 16, 2005

lairtgstn Lair Screenshot

Sony has released some high-resolution screenshots of our Lair trailer! A thumbnail is above, click it to go to a bigger version on IGN’s PS3 page. Keep in mind that the assets in this footage are already several months old icon smile Lair Screenshot

Update: Gametrailers has high-res footage of trailer shown in the TGS theater.

IGDA Talk: Next-Generation Asset Creation for PS3

September 6, 2005

The San Francisco IGDA page has been updated with an initial description of my Playstation 3 talk. Hope to see you on October 4 at the Metreon!