North Bay Floods
December 31, 2005 · Print This Article
- Flooded Streets
- More Flooded Napa Streets
What better way to celebrate the last day of the year than with some good, old-fashioned water damage? It’s been raining all day and night in the North Bay, driving the Napa and Russian rivers to record highs. And Victoria’s apartment is right next to the Napa river. Like, right smack next to the river, only separated by a bike path.
Watching the water rise from 8 1/2 feet to currently 28(!) feet has been an interesting experience. We might be in luck, I don’t think the water will quite reach the doors. We still have a few feet of buffer zone, but downtown Napa is already flooding, the streets are impassable (forget getting back to Marin right now) and the King Kong matinee we wanted to catch has gotten a bit more difficult since the entrance to the movie theater is blocked by 2 feet of streaming water.
We’ll see what we get to do for new year’s eve tonight – I have the feeling that we’ll crawl into bed at 12:01. I only got 2 hours of sleep tonight watching the water. No, this night did not help us get over our jetlag
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