Lair Screenshot
September 16, 2005
Sony has released some high-resolution screenshots of our Lair trailer! A thumbnail is above, click it to go to a bigger version on IGN’s PS3 page. Keep in mind that the assets in this footage are already several months old
Update: Gametrailers has high-res footage of trailer shown in the TGS theater.
IGDA Talk: Next-Generation Asset Creation for PS3
September 6, 2005
The San Francisco IGDA page has been updated with an initial description of my Playstation 3 talk. Hope to see you on October 4 at the Metreon!
Google Search Results
August 28, 2005
Update: I just secured At least one more step towards keeping the name “safe” As a side effect you can now email me at matthias at worch dot com.
Neat, my page is now the #2 search result when googling the term “Worch”*. I’d be totally happy with that ranking if the #1 search result for “Worch” wasn’t a link for some neo-nazi asshole by the same name who has tarnished our family name for quite a while. No relationship whatsoever, of course, and I’m not going to honor the guy with a link.
But I’ve been thinking: I really don’t understand the formula that Google uses to determine the ranking of search results (I don’t think anybody does, and for good reasons), but at least part of it must be how often a particular page is linked from other pages on the net.
If you want to help me get to #1 just add a link to somehwere on your page. Hide it if you like Thanks! This isn’t some narcissistic thing – people who want to find me will find me, and I’m not running a business here. But I’ll be damned if a neo-nazi beats me!
* (I’ve had #1 spot for “Matthias Worch” for a while, but that one is easy).
August 19, 2005
Update: Allen, die die im Artikel erklaerten Konzepte gerne live sehen moechten empfehle ich einen Blick in die GDC 2005 Sektion. Insbesondere Film #3.
Gamestar/dev ist jetzt erhaeltlich, inklusive meines Visual Arts Artikels ueber Zbrush. Mehr Informationen und Bezugsquellen gibt es auf der Gamestar/dev Produktseite – das Heft ist momentan leider nur als Abo erhaeltlich. Falls sie meinen Artikel gelesen haben (und evt. ueber das Heft auf diese Seite gelangt sind) wuerde ich mich ueber Feedback in den Comments freuen.
XSI Script: Toggle Component Type
August 15, 2005
Update: Looks like the script got featured on the XSIBase main page. Cool for such a simple thing Let me know if you find this useful. I think I wrote it after watching Kursad, master-modeler extraordinaire, fly through Modo using similar functionality.
I did some cleanup in my XSI modelling script yesterday. This script binds a toggle between vertex, edge and polygon modes to a single button – if you’re a component switchoholic like me that’s a god-sent when modelling. I also gave the script a clearer name and turned it into a self-installing plugin. The script now auto-loads once installed, adds a menu item to XSI and can be mapped to a key easily. Find more details at XSIBase, or download it right here.
XSI Script: Toggle Component Mode
August 15, 2005
A quick self-installing plugin that I wrote for XSI to make modeling easier. Toggles between point, edge and polygon mode on a user-defined hotkey.
Download this script from XSI Base.
IGDA Talk!
August 14, 2005
I am scheduled to talk at the next San Francisco IGDA meeting. It will be an updated version of my GDC lecture, focusing on how we created the dragons in the teaser trailer. I’ll add more information when the meeting gets announced, mark Oct 4 in your calendar!
July 29, 2005
Gamestar is starting a new German magazine devoted to game development: /Gamestar/dev. I did a Zbrush article for the first issue.
Factor 5 at Siggraph
July 22, 2005
Factor 5 is hiring for several art and design positions! If you at at Siggraph, come visit us at job booth #72. Or check our listsings on
July 21, 2005
Factor 5′s Playstation 3 project, Lair, has been shown at the Playstation Meeting in Tokyo! Check out IGN’s writeup of what they saw. I’ve been working on these dragons for quite some time. Needless to say, the game looks a lot better in high-def, but since I’m not allowed to post anything about the game that’s not public domain, so a blurry screenshot off the IGN video will have to suffice for now.
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