Christmas Pictures
January 26, 2006 · Print This Article
Christmas vacation in Germany, Day 7.
Somebody(1) posing at the entrance of something old, big and towering(2). We had tried to go to Cologne the day before to attend Thomas’ birthday bash, but got snowed in badly enough to not even try. At least we visited the same brewery once we got to Cologne, pictures to follow. The drive back was “fun” – the GPS/mapping system I had borrowed from my dad fell down during the trip and somehow the option “Avoid highways where possible” got set. So all of the sudden the thing sent me on a wild goose chase through the middle of nowhere for no apparent reason, and it took an additional 45 minutes to get home. Stupid really, especially because I didn’t need the GPS in the first place. The drive from Essen to Cologne is about as straight-forward as it gets, I just didn’t know downtown Cologe well enough.
Obviously I didn’t get around to updating the page over the weekend, our deadline dragged out. I’ll start updating more regularly again now that we’re done, though. I promise(3)!
(1) Victoria, (2) Cologne Cathedral, (3) Not a promise
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