Now Playing: Oblivion
March 26, 2006 · Print This Article
This is going to be a negative post about Oblivion, and I expect that precisely 99.9% of my readers will disagree with me on this one. So before you read any further I need you to understand just how much I want to like Oblivion. I loved Morrowind (and I played Arena and Daggerfall extensively back in the days, too!), I’ve been looking forward to Oblivion for a long time.
With that out of the way, and with the express understanding that this is not a dig at Bethesda, I have to say that I am seriously under whelmed by Oblivion’s first hour of gameplay. The 3D just does not look all that good, the UI feels crippled to account for the Xbox version and the game runs like ass on my GeForce 6800 (at least as soon as a character appears on screen). In 800×600, I might add, with video settings that the game auto-detected itself.
I could deal with bad framerate any day if I felt that I was playing something seriously impressive. Unfortunately the overall presentation just leaves me unimpressed. The main menu, UI and loading screens look unfinished and stylistically bad – as if somebody was doing a bad impression of the “old parchment” look that the last game used. It’s trying to be medieval classy but bright and friendly at the same time, and that just ain’t working for me. (Then there’s UI issues like the fact that I can’t ESCape out of menues or right-click the inventory away, but that’s just a side note.) Textures are blurry even at the High setting with no detail textures, the faces look artificial and disproportionate. The terrain, supposedly one of Oblivion’s major selling points, doesn’t look very good even with details maxed out. Anything more than a kilometer away is a huge, blurry texture mess. Never mind that I had to go through six or seven dungeon levels just to get to the surface…
A lot of criticism to level against such a popular game, I know. I just felt like sharing my first and honest impressions. Of course I’ll keep playing, and I still expect to love the game as much as the last one. But I seem to have been way too hyped up about this game so that the first playing session inevitably led to a letdown.
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