It’s Not Easy Being Green

May 8, 2006 · Print This Article

I have this trail to the next deli that I often walk during lunch hour. It’s a bit of street and a lot of hills and trees. So about 10 weeks ago I noticed a flurry of movement in one of the puddles on the side of the trail. Tadpoles, and a lot of them. 2 weeks later the sun had evaporated a lot of the water (the puddle would dry out later before most tadpoles had turned into frogs). So I figured why not take a few tadpoles to the office, feed them and see what happens. We did this kinda stuff all the time when we were kids, after all. 8 weeks later I have about 15 frogs in my little watertank, pictured below. They’re fun to watch, even though coworkers find the occasional escaped cricket on their desks icon smile Its Not Easy Being Green

frogs 544x408 Its Not Easy Being Green



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