
May 1, 2006

I still haven’t found a way to read out pictures straight from my camera (something about the drivers went horribly wrong), but my shiny new Dell 2405FPW at work has various built-in card readers, including one for my CompactFlash cards. So while I haven’t taken any pictures of the house yet, I did get my backlog of pictures from the last few months. To start things off, here’s a picture of Jeremy, the budgie we bought for Victoria a while ago.

jerry 450x544 Jeremy

Picture didn’t turn out as clear as they could have (stupid auto focus), but it’ll have to do for now.

Car Trouble

May 1, 2006

Generally I love my car. It’s fast, fun to drive and perfect for this area. But a cargo giant it is not. You can fit about one suitcase into the trunk and that’s that, when buying some small furniture a few years ago I had to rent a uHaul truck to transport the stuff home.
Case in point: this morning I had a flat tire, and after installing my spare the old tire did did not fit in the trunk. I had to transport it on the passenger’s seat instead. I guess lifestyle has its price or something…