#6 Hauler

October 2, 2008 · Print This Article

nascar hauler 6 mark martin 544x408 #6 Hauler

Roush Racing’s 2006 NASCAR hauler for the #6. Mark Marin the driver, sponsored by AAA. Taken in Larkspur, CA, a couple of days before the Dodge/Savemart 350.



2 Responses to “#6 Hauler”

  1. jane.griggs on March 5th, 2011 3:02 pm

    i have been with my friend for 7 years he has cancer he only has little time left u are hes van he would like to see u before he goes thank u

  2. Matthias on March 6th, 2011 4:44 pm

    Sorry, I don’t know where it’s usually parked. This was in Larkspur, CA before the annual Sonoma race.

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