Victoria’s Blog
September 23, 2006 · Print This Article
Spent some time this morning to set up a webpage for Victoria. She has to create a page for one of her grad school assignments, and I figured hey, why not secure the domain and add a blog while we’re at it. I didn’t look around much – Roland is using WordPress for his page, so I figured I’d give that a try. And I have to say that I’m quite impressed with the ease of use, I’ve never created a complete blog in such a short time. Apart from a few small roadblocks (write permissions for the correct folders, making sure the webserver recognizes index.php and the like), this has been a breeze to set up. The Crystaltech server has been just as cooperative, creating the MySQL database and managing the access permissions didn’t take any trial and error.
So here it is,! I don’t think I’ll make any changes to my own page (this site is still all hand-coded and updated “the hard way”, with a tiny bit of help of HaloScan for comments), but it’s fun to see how easy PHP/MySQL pages have become.
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