Cruisin’ USA
October 16, 2006 · Print This Article
It’s not that I hate American drivers. It’s just that I hate driving in America. And I’m reminded of it every morning on my way to work. I’ve never seen such an unorganized and inefficient mess. And nobody seems to notice or care.
But before we delve any further, consider the fact that in Germany:
- Passing cars on the right is a moving violation.
- Cruising in the left lane is a moving violation.
- Most highways are only two lanes wide. That might be hard to believe for American readers but yes, large parts of the fabled German Autobahn network are only two lanes.
- People often are going 130mph or more.
It should be easy to see that people are going to get very mad when they approach at 130 mph and you are blocking the left lane. Most drivers stay in the right lanes and only go to the left to pass people. Those staying on the left side pull over to the right as soon as somebody who is going faster approaches from behind. Of course there’s the occasional asshole that thinks he owns the left lane, but 99% of the time, this works out great.
Enter America, and roads like Highway 37. It’s two lanes with a (for America) generous speed limit of 65mph. People are all over the place. All. Over. The. Place. Left, right, top and bottom, seemingly going whatever speed strikes their fancy. It’s not even that I’m speeding, my cruise control is set to a carefully calculated “8 mph over”, which accounts for speedometer inaccuracies and the fact that no CHP will pull you over for less than 5 miles over the limit.
It’s impossible to maintain that speed. Inadvertantly some asshole will be blocking the left lane. Then, as much as it pains me, I will pull over to the right to pass, just to be faced with a slow driver to the right. Highway slalom, hurray! Just what I need in the morning. Don’t even get me started about 3/4-lane highway 80, where the right lane might as well not exist and everybody occupies the middle and left.
So, how can it be that a 2-lane highway in Germany works spendidly, and the typical 4-lane American highway makes you want to scrape your eyes out? The American solution might be to add another lane. Maybe we can make it a bit cheaper and educate drivers?
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