And Another Year Is Almost Over

December 22, 2006 · Print This Article

Man, xmas sure arrived in a hurry. Been so busy with work that December feels like a complete blur. But we got a lot of stuff done in the last year, and I can’t wait for 2007 to show it all off. I have several presentation type…things planned for the next year, we’ll see if, how and when they all work out. It’ll be just like old time icon smile And Another Year Is Almost Over

To everybody who finds their way to my page, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Victoria and I will celebrate xmas in Grass Valley, then jet over to Germany for the new year. See you all in 2007!



4 Responses to “And Another Year Is Almost Over”

  1. spanish guy on December 23rd, 2006 7:48 pm

    Merry christmas and a Happy New year !!! Hope you get back to work soon so we can have Lair faster hehehe, joke! Enjoy with your family and good luck!

  2. Arnaud on December 26th, 2006 7:48 pm

    I wish you Matt,and all the fantastic Factor 5 team,a merry Christmas and a great New Year ;)

    What you showed us of Lair this year was great.I can’t wait to see more of it…can we expect to get some informations soon ?
    Has the game progressed in its graphics or gameplay,or the demo was already a good view of what we’ll be able to play this Spring 07 ?

    Good luck for the coming months,we know you’re a great team,really talented,you can do it ! ;)

  3. bd_dragon on December 31st, 2006 7:49 pm

    Happy new year

  4. Matthias on January 5th, 2007 7:49 pm

    I’m sure there’ll be more info before Lair ships Happy new year! :)

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