Horseback Rriding

October 20, 2006

“Angry much, Matthias?” Wolfi asked in the comments to the last post. The answer, of course, is “yes”. And “no, not really”. I just find it a lot easier to write about things that get me riled up than reflect on all the cool and fun stuff in my life. Let’s call it a “character trait”, okay? icon smile Horseback Rriding

rochehorseback 544x362 Horseback Rriding

So to balance everything out a bit, here’s a picture of one very happy day three weeks ago, when Victoria organized a Sonoma tour and we went for a horseback tour of the Roche vinyards.

Lair on TV

October 18, 2006

If you have Comcast On Demand and want to see some more Lair, go to the “The Cutting Edge” section, pick G4tv and the TGS section. They have a short version of the Lair trailer, and if you watch the “PS3 Report”, you get some gameplay footage and commentary. Nothing, that you haven’t seen yet on the internet – but you get to see it on your big TV and can show it to your family and everybody else that should see it! icon smile Lair on TV

Cruisin’ USA

October 16, 2006

It’s not that I hate American drivers. It’s just that I hate driving in America. And I’m reminded of it every morning on my way to work. I’ve never seen such an unorganized and inefficient mess. And nobody seems to notice or care.

But before we delve any further, consider the fact that in Germany:

  • Passing cars on the right is a moving violation.
  • Cruising in the left lane is a moving violation.
  • Most highways are only two lanes wide. That might be hard to believe for American readers but yes, large parts of the fabled German Autobahn network are only two lanes.
  • People often are going 130mph or more.

It should be easy to see that people are going to get very mad when they approach at 130 mph and you are blocking the left lane. Most drivers stay in the right lanes and only go to the left to pass people. Those staying on the left side pull over to the right as soon as somebody who is going faster approaches from behind. Of course there’s the occasional asshole that thinks he owns the left lane, but 99% of the time, this works out great.

Enter America, and roads like Highway 37. It’s two lanes with a (for America) generous speed limit of 65mph. People are all over the place. All. Over. The. Place. Left, right, top and bottom, seemingly going whatever speed strikes their fancy. It’s not even that I’m speeding, my cruise control is set to a carefully calculated “8 mph over”, which accounts for speedometer inaccuracies and the fact that no CHP will pull you over for less than 5 miles over the limit.
It’s impossible to maintain that speed. Inadvertantly some asshole will be blocking the left lane. Then, as much as it pains me, I will pull over to the right to pass, just to be faced with a slow driver to the right. Highway slalom, hurray! Just what I need in the morning. Don’t even get me started about 3/4-lane highway 80, where the right lane might as well not exist and everybody occupies the middle and left.

So, how can it be that a 2-lane highway in Germany works spendidly, and the typical 4-lane American highway makes you want to scrape your eyes out? The American solution might be to add another lane. Maybe we can make it a bit cheaper and educate drivers?

Dear Record Industry

October 15, 2006

Fuck you.

Today seems like a good day to give a shoutout to our dear friends at most music labels. And of course it’s related to some haywire copy protection scheme.

I don’t even buy that many CDs anymore, it’s iTunes all the way. The CDs that I do buy are purchased in Germany – somewhat obscure bands that I can’t get here. One trip to the store per year, no easy way to make a return. So I expect those CDs to work! And “work” means iPod. End of discussion. People listen to music a certain way these days, and I don’t even have a working CD player in my home office (or car!) anymore.
So of course one of the CDs that I bought over xmas last year, Deine Lakaien‘s latest offering “april skies”, is copy protected. It’s advertised on the CD, but devoid of any other purchasing options (iTunes America doesn’t carry the band), and considering the fact that I was able to rip all other “copy controlled” CDs, I decided to get the CD anyway.

I can’t rip the CD.

iTunes 6 seemingly did it once, but the songs were stuttering all over the place. After that – nada. iTunes 7, which I hoped might finally fix the problem, won’t even acknowledge the inserted CD. Might be that the first rip installed some hidden DRM files somewhere on the machine that I can’t find, but I won’t reinstall the entire computer based on that theory.

So congratulations Capitol Records, you have created a copy protection scheme that works! I can’t rip this CD of yours. You also lost a customer – for good. This isn’t some flavor-of-the-day band that I decided to give a try and hey, if it doesn’t work no big deal. This is one of the oldest groups I have listened to. Over 15 years. I have all albums in my CD rack. And this experience has spoiled my entire history with the band, because I have to assume that I won’t be able to listen to this or any of their future albums icon sad Dear Record Industry

So this might be it. I can’t even laugh at the irony of those “Don’t copy this CD, it takes away money from the artists!” statements inside the jewel case. I don’t see why I should support a record label that punishes me for purchasing their stuff, so I won’t. I got a pretty good memory when it comes to things like this. Of course it won’t be more than a drop in a bucket, but at least it will make me feel a bit better.


October 13, 2006

Wow. $900 million lost to people afraid of Friday the 13th. Personally, I’m more scared of the word than the date. But that’s just me. I’m a rebel and stuff.

Gothic 3

October 13, 2006

So, Gothic 3 ist draussen und anscheinend leider (noch) recht Bug-verseucht. Was mir doppelt und dreifach leid tut – zum einen hatte ich die Jungs von Piranha Bytes vor einigen Jahren getroffen und dabei viel Spass gehabt – ich wuensche ihnen also alles Glueck der Welt. Zum anderen sind sie jetzt in Essen, wo es sich natuerlich automatisch besser lebt icon wink Gothic 3 Und letztendlich finde ich die Gothic Reihe einfach geil und will den dritten Teil schnellstmoeglichst spielen.
Nunja – noch nicht wirklich ganz fertig, hier und da ein bisschen gedreht und geregelt, um das Spiel wie mit dem Publisher vereinbart rechtzeitig zu releasen – alles schon erlebt, alles schon mitmachen muessen – passiert halt immer wieder in dieser Branche.
Im Grunde bin ich nicht traurig, dann werde ich mir Gothic 3 eben wie eigentlich geplant erst zu Weihnachten schenken, wenn Victoria und ich hoffentlich wieder in Deutschland sind. Bis dahin hat es bestimmt den einen oder anderen Patch gegeben, der die Probleme behebt. Und ich kann vorher noch Gothic 2 zuende spielen. Dazu bin ich naemlich irgendwie nie gekommen.

Now Playing: Half-Life 2

October 11, 2006

I have finally finished Half-Life 2. The original game, that is, I guess I’ll continue with Episode 1 now. Somebody give me a medal or something!

Well, that was unexpected. HL2 Episode 1 just sorta ended. It was fun, but not quite as long as I thought it would be. I guess now I’m really done… And Victoria can stop complaining about the loud shooting noises eminating from my office icon smile Now Playing: Half Life 2

Moving stuff around…

October 9, 2006

TGS has come and gone, and as far as work is concerned, I’m back to the usual can’t-talk-about-it stuff. I cleaned up the post below a bit and added some links to the top section. There’s a lot more videos, interviews and other stuff around if you search places like Gametrailers, Gamevideos etc.

Where’s the bodyguards?

October 9, 2006

Poor Brian Vickers. He gets his first win, something that every NASCAR driver dreams of, and then the dream turns into a nightmare. He can’t even catch a break on Inside Nextel Cup (which was entertaining to say the least, though). Victoria might disagree, but come on – it’s racing and things happen. Get off your rabid Dale Jr. soapbox. End of story.


October 7, 2006

I’m not a huge fan of iTunes, I use it because it’s the best way to access Apple’s music store and there’s probably worse music players out there. But what’s with all the dependencies? I have to download and install iTunes 7 just so that I can buy the new Beck album? WTF? I just want some new music for my iPod, and don’t really care much for all the video gimmicks that come with it. I’m pretty damn sure that the old iTunes could already do music, can I please download it like I used to be able to? Ah well, I’ll just suck it up as usual and be annoyed by the additional Quicktime installation that Apple automatically forces on me. I already had that too and didn’t feel like upgrading, you know…

Update: Oh great, and now, with iTunes 7 installed, most of my purchased songs fail to authorize and transfer to the iPod. Thank you, Apple! I don’t mind DRM, but if you’re doing it, but better make sure that it works!

Update 2: Took a few days, but customer support has fixed the problem.