PS3 Pricing
January 17, 2007 · Print This Article
Say what you will about the Playstation 3 price. Yes, I know that it’s nice to have options and that not every consumer wants the full package. But for somebody like me, who does want all the accessories (and just finished buying them by adding a shiny new HD-DVD drive), the Xbox 360 is indeed more expensive than the oh-so overpriced PS3.
60GB Playstation 3: $600.
20GB Xbox 360 + Wireless adaptor + HD-DVD drive: $400 + $100 +$200 = $700.
That’s 100 bucks more for the Xbox, and for that I get a significantly smaller harddrive and no digital (HDMI) output. So yeah, rag on Sony’s pricing scheme as much as you want. It’s not really that expensive.
I guess u loved the King Kong presentation at my place
Cheers, Andi
Andi: Your setup helped, as did the realization that we might be in for a drawn-out format war between HD-DVD and Blu-Ray after all. And Universal only supporting HD-DVD… King Kong is great reference for me cause we used the same scanning company that they used for their maquettes, and we interviewed a bunch of the artists that worked on the movie.
Rechargeable batteries for the Wii… don’t even think about using normal batteries, you’ll go broke.
And tack on another $50 to the Wii for the component video cable. Not to mention a pair of batteries per wiimote every few weeks. I think most people would rather just have smaller purchases (even if that means more purchases in the long run). I know I don’t want to see a $650+ hit on my credit card.