Domain Shuffling – Done!
February 16, 2007 · Print This Article
If you can read this, the internets should have updated all tubes to accurately lead you to my webpage again. For the longest time, I used as my main domain and had various other pages forward to that domain. Email was on the old and trusty Ocrana server, which I have used for over 10 years and gets way too much spam these days. A bit of a mess that I finally wanted to clean up.
After a bit of work the main domain now is You can still reach me under my Ocrana email address, but I will be phasing that one out over the next few months. The new, reliable email address is mattias @ this domain. I’m sure you can figure it out, I want to keep the spambots off my tail as long as possible. The pages should still all work exactly as before. Please let me know if you find anything that’s broken!
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