TV on DVD on my TV
March 5, 2007 · Print This Article
Now that I’m all done with season 2 of Battlestar Galactica, I can finally give the much touted Firefly a try. If there’s one good thing about long crunch hours on a game it’s that I get to get to watch all the TV series that I never have time for (or, frankly, don’t want to find time for) during regular work hours. I’m looking forward to getting hooked by Firefly – I just hope that it really happens. I know that Joss Whedon is many people’s master now, but when I initially bought Firefly on DVD (must have been three years ago) I never got further than part of the first episode.
As for Battlestar, it’s a great, great show. I understand now why the people who stay caught up with the SciFi channel complained that the ending of season 2 felt a bit rushed, and that maybe one or two filler episodes could have been cut in favor of a longer ending, but those are details. I’ll wait for season 3 to appear on DVD, and then I’ll be all over it – as soon as the next crunch hits the Factor 5 offices.
So that’s why there is crunch time – you are all watching TV instead of working.