March 27, 2007 · Print This Article
You know how you sometimes wake up with a song stuck in your head that you really don’t want in there? What’s even worse is waking up in the middle of the night and having a song stuck in your head, and you can’t go back to sleep because your mind is racing around that song.
I had this stuck in my head at 4am last night. If you didn’t watch German television in the 90s it might not quite have the same ring to it, but let me tell you – as funny as that skit was, you do not want it in your head! What’s worse, the only song I know that will reliably purge an unwanted song on command is Duran Duran’s “Rio” – and having that in your head instead isn’t exactly a picnic, either. I feel kinda drained this morning…
While we’re on the subject, mehr Hape in Reinkultur.
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