April 18, 2007 · Print This Article
I wasn’t going to say much about the Virginia Tech shootings. What happens sucks big time. And all the victims should be in our thoughts. But after seeing the news coverage for two days, I feel like getting this off my chest:
Hello media outlets? Would you please stop showing the asshole on your main page? You’re giving him much more power than he deserves, and you’re only going to encourage other sick minds to do the same thing.
“Wow, the guy never got any attention and then his face was on the CNN front page for three days! Maybe I can do the same and people will notice me! I’ll pose with guns and stuff!”
But then again CNN et all are having a field day right now, aren’t they? Probably more people watching in a day than in a whole week of “normal” news. Of course they’re gonna milk it for all that it’s worth, and will claim that it’s only in the name of providing information. Which is bullshit, of course. I can wait a few days until all facts are actually in and get a perfect summery in 5 minuters. But by doing their ongoing “Breaking News!” stuff the news are saying more about our society than the shooter alone ever would have been able to
Hmmm… FOX NEWS is showing a dog that is awarded some sausages as a medal. Not exactly sure what THAT says about society