AMA Superbike Race

May 21, 2007 · Print This Article

Victoria and I went to the AMA Superbike race at Sears Point on Sunday. We spent a good 5 hours walking the track, sitting in the sun, and watching the races. Here’s some pictures from the winner’s circle!

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I hadn’t followed the AMA circuit before going to the race, so I had to make sense first of who was who and why this or that matchup were intruiging. Spies? Mladin? Didn’t really ring a bell until I watched the SPEED coverage afterwards. But that’s what I love about living close to the racetrack: we get four major national events each year (AMA, NASCAR, NHRA and Indy), and it’s so easy to say “You know what? I bet that riding this track at over 100MPH – on motorcycles! – must be quite a sight to see. Let’s go, it’s not that expensive.” So we did. And we had a great time. And now I know a little bit more about the Superbike competition icon smile AMA Superbike Race

I also recorded over 50 minutes of video on my camera. You can download a clip of Sunday’s Superbike start. It’s 18MB, DiVX encoded. The video is 1920×1080 resolution and pretty damn cool, but unfortunately the bikes ghost quite a bit. Too bad, but such are the restrictions of the HDV format.



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