Lair is officially done!
July 27, 2007 · Print This Article
As announced earlier this week, development on Lair has finished and the game is off to duplication! It will be in stores on August 14 September 3. I learned a ton of new stuff making this game – and if you pour 2 1/2 years of your life into something, it had better be worth it on some personal level.
I’m aware of the reviews, of course. Some are very positive, some are not. The common complaint in those bad reviews seem to be the controls – putting the dragon streering on the motion-sensitive SIXAXIS controller doesn’t sit well with some of the experienced gamers. First of all: try it out yourself, give it a chance!
And if you want my side of the story, I will share a simple anecdote: Victoria’s family, lead by my 83-year old grandfather in law, was able to pick up Lair in less than 5 inutes, to fly around with the dragon and to play the first mission of the game.That experience right there beats anything that the reviewers can say. Because let’s face it: the hardcore crowd is an important part of the market, and I sincerely hope that everybody who reads my page and/or hangs out on NeoGAF, IGN, 1UP on a daily basis will buy Lair and enjoy it. Your guys’ opinions are important, and they matter.
BUT… making a game that my entire (extended) family can play, that’s how we will keep the creative flame (and our industry!) alive.
Check the official sources for more information on Lair. I enjoyed the experience and have tons of ideas on what to do next. In other words, I have already moved on to the next project…
P.S.: Hope you like the new vegetation in the final build
It`s finished ! I really like to give Lair a chance.
There`s just one question I have to ask:
Is the German version different from the others ?
( abgesehen von der Sprache – du weisst schon was ich meine
I am loving the new vegetation indeed.
I’m just hoping that there is some level of destructibility in the environment, for example can i burn patches in the grass?
Look i think you should address the LAIR reviews of GAY-GM very soon.
personally LAIR looks wayyy better than any game out there.
I am sure unbiased sites like IGN ,GAMETRAILERS and GAMEINFORMER would give LAIR a good score.
LAIR is such an eye candy. Judging by just the graphics it should get a 8/10.
Please do address the negative reviews soon in order to clear confusion created by MS based gaming websites
it looks really good, i can tell how much you have upped the textures already. they look way better than they did even a few months ago. i cant wait to pick this up and i hope we hear of your new project soon. are you making another ps3 game to implement what you have learned of the technology and power in the system? ps3 seems to be picking up a lot of steam lately, im buying one now for the lower price and i know a lot of people who are as well.or are you going back to make another starwars game on wii?
If you wanted to make games that your entire family could play, maybe Nintendo Wii would’ve been a more appropriate platform.
Thanks for the comments, guys. Just keep in mind that I’m not here to make any official statements for Factor 5 or trying to “defend” the game against particular magazines or publishing groups. The game will speak for itself, and no matter what they think, I have great respect for everybody who can write an intelligently worded opinion on game that they have played.
But I’ve been doing this for almost 10 years, and it’s a job as much as a way of life. After a while the job needs to become about more than just getting great review scores or positive reception. If you’re to survive in this business you need to find something that personally fulfills you with each game that you make – and for me that exciting part was creating a game that reaches parts of my family that never cared about my games (or just didn’t find them accessible). I remain hardcore enough myself to also want to make kickass games that *I* want to play
we are ps3 fans from taiwan!! lair is awesome!! we don’t care what about review say? because it looks really good !
go Matthias
go lair
go ps3
there is a new rumour that LAIR has been delayed by 2/3 weeks.
I was wondering whether you are planning to add ANALOG CONTROLS alongside MOTION SENSING.
I personally think it is a good idea since LAIR is losing points just for the controls.I think addition of ANALOG CONTROL will easily get LAIR a 9/10 on all gaming websites
DEV ,we would like you to adress the Framerate in the final build as well.
HAH ok you should be devolping for Wii if you want to appeal to everyone. It goes to show you again NINTENDO is going to rule this market because even your hardcore game is DUMBED DOWN as everyone is saying so your papa can handle it. You PS3 Loyals are pathetic and need to grow a brain. Your game sucks its just eye candy for a rainy day and it won’t sell more than a mil because the PS3 hasn’t sold more than that. Goodluck making up devolopment costs on this one guys and hope Nintendo picks you back up so you can make some money.
@ Unknown,
you are such an ass.
Don’t worry, I won’t get offended by anonymous people who have to make make an effort to come to my page to comment on something we’ve achieved. It’s all cool.
But yeah, unfortunately the game has been delayed
I won’t/can’t comment on anything else, though, this is my private page and I can’t speak for anybody else. Thanks for all the passion being displayed, tho!
I think it is better to add Analog control as an option. We could all wait for another month since we have been waiting 2 years for LAIR.
The lame reviewers wouldnt have anything else to complain about when that happens
what do you think about tech 5 Matthias?…0/ 810542p1.html
Carmack’s engines have always been amazing. This one doesn’t look to be any different. I’d keep in mind that id’s games have traditionally taken ~18+ months after announcement to come out, though.
Do you think ps3 could take avantages of this tool?so many devs have been talking about the problems with the 256 mb of ram to the graphics in the ps3, however Lair looks gorgeous, alive and detailed specially the textures ( a lot of work and skills i suppose).