Harry Potter
August 4, 2007 · Print This Article
I’m prepared to go on record on the 7th Harry Potter book (no spoilers), even though the following admission might lead to humiliation and ridicule. But here it comes: I think reading the new Harry Potter book before sleep is giving me nightmares.
I just don’t seem to be sleeping all that well during those nights. My dreams are filled with paranoid and disturbing scenarios. And let’s be honest, the last Harry Potter book isn’t exactly a joy to follow. People die left and right, things get lost or destroyed every other chapter, pivotal characters are defamed and painted in pictures never imagined… the whole story is just bleak. It’s well written and I’m glad to be reading it – but joyous and fun? Barely.
There, I said it; I feel better I’m wondering if I’m just being a wimp or if the book affects early readers even worse than me. The story above might also be the reason why I’m still not done with the book even though the rest of t he world probably is.
I am looking at your “Currently…” box and the author of Harry Potter is called >J
K Rowling… Damn Keyboard.
It be fixeth.