Ridley Scott
September 4, 2007 · Print This Article
As I was finishing the Paul M. Sammon’s book Future Noir: The Making of Blade Runner today I was shocked to realize that Ridley Scott is 70 years old! That is pretty amazing to me. It should have registered earlier, I guess – the writing is on the wall. But to me Scott had always been this ageless entity that had been making movies (some of which stood the test of time better than others – but all of which had the potential to do so) as long as I could remember – and who, in my mind, was going to do this until long after I might have stopped caring. The fact that he will only do this for another 15 years or so (thinking positively) is weirdly surprising (and shocking?) to me.
Ridley Scott made Blade Runner when he was 45 years old. That’s older than pretty much every major player in the video game industry. I can take comfort in this realization as I look at the future of my own medium. And at the body of work I have amassed in my 9 professional years. Maybe growing old and “peaking early” isn’t as important as I initially thought. Maybe that’s what being in your thirties is all about: coming to that exact realization.
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