Page Changes?
December 29, 2007 · Print This Article
Update June 2008: hah! it DID happen
My recent activity makes me think that maybe I should update and reorganize the page. The separation between News and Blog posts, which was quite useful at first, has become muddled and somewhat arbitrary. My archives are way too big. And just in general, right now feels like a good time for blind activism on my part!
When I set up Victoria’s and Missy’s blog a while ago I found WordPress to be really nice and easy to use. I still use it semi-regularly when helping Vicky with Stuff That Behaves Wonky(tm). Customizing WordPress for my own purposes would take a bit longer, especially in the looks department, but should be possible. So maybe I’ll finally invest some time after the New Year’s break. Assign tags for private blog posts and for “official” announcements, and add some missing structure to the page in general. Maybe. I don’t believe in New Year’s resolutions, so this won’t be one. But you never know what might happen
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