
January 27, 2008

Ganz egal, wie die Regierung in Hessen letztendlich ausgeht – emotional gebunden bin ich aufgrund meines Wohnortes eher an die amerikanischer Politik – aber wenn unverantwortlicher Populismus wie der von Roland Koch so deutlich abgestraft wird wie heute ist das auch fuer mich ein Grund zur Freude. Jetzt bitte noch ein klares Wahlergebnis fuer Barack Obama im November!

R.I.P. Suzanne Pleshette

January 19, 2008

bodegabaybirds01 250x187 R.I.P. Suzanne PleshetteActress Suzanne Pleshette died today . She was 70 years old. I would have found out about this by reading the news, anyway, but I’d already noticed earlier today when checking my site stats. I keep getting Google search hits for “Suzanne Pleshette” and “Birds”, which is somewhat unusual icon wink R.I.P. Suzanne Pleshette When I checked her Wikipedia entry it all made sense…
Just for the record, I don’t have any information (or pictures) on Suzanne on my page. The newpost from last September, in which I detailed my field trip to Bodega Bay and the Birds schoolhouse, mentioned her name, and I guess the search engines associated the name with one of the pictures. I’m not sure where exactly the links is, I can’t find it when I do the search myself. Interesting how those things work… I’ll think of Suzanne the next time we go to Bodega Bay. May she rest in peace.

Flickr Page

January 13, 2008

I have started a travel log of sorts on Flickr where I’ll upload photos from wherever Victoria and I might have ventured. Check it out! icon smile Flickr Page Just for fun, very random, it’s generally in low quality (iPhone camera). But being on a trail somewhere, taking a picture of something cool and uploading it to the net on the spot is kinda cool. I added some pictures from Bodega Bay today.

USA erklaert

January 12, 2008

By Gunnar gesehen, hier mal gleich fix fuer alle Familienmitglieder wiederhold: USA Erklaert…aeh…erklaert die USA. Genauer gesagt die Sitten, (Wahl)Ablaeufe und Strukturen. Alles ist auf deutsch, ausfuehrlich, und generell verstaendlich. Reinschauen lohnt sich, auch wenn der naechste Besuch erst in ein paar Jahren ist!

Bay Area Storms

January 4, 2008

511 Bay Area Storms

So, do you think the storms in the Bay Area have affected the roads yet? I’m certainly glad that I don’t have to drive to work today icon smile Bay Area Storms

A lot of people assume that because we live in sunny California, the weather never gets bad around here. And relatively speaking, we do have it pretty damn good here in the Bay Area. No snow, no hurricanes, no tornados… But yes, it does rain in the winter icon smile Bay Area Storms Sometimes so much that the area kind of breaks down. But it also turns the hills green and fills up the water reservoirs. I like it, at least there’s a semblance of seasons. And come May, we get 8 months of uninterrupted sunshine again.

Happy New Year!

January 1, 2008

feuerzangenbowle 150x150 Happy New Year! I would like to wish everybody good luck, good health and good…other stuff. We celebrated in semi-German style in Tahoe icon smile Happy New Year! For the uninitiated, that’s Feuerzangenbowle. Basically, you heat up red wine with mulling spices, put a sugarloaf that’s been soaked in rum on top of the bowl, then set it on fire. The sugar drips into the wine, semi-sweet drunken happyness ensues.