Bay Area Storms

January 4, 2008 · Print This Article

511 Bay Area Storms

So, do you think the storms in the Bay Area have affected the roads yet? I’m certainly glad that I don’t have to drive to work today icon smile Bay Area Storms

A lot of people assume that because we live in sunny California, the weather never gets bad around here. And relatively speaking, we do have it pretty damn good here in the Bay Area. No snow, no hurricanes, no tornados… But yes, it does rain in the winter icon smile Bay Area Storms Sometimes so much that the area kind of breaks down. But it also turns the hills green and fills up the water reservoirs. I like it, at least there’s a semblance of seasons. And come May, we get 8 months of uninterrupted sunshine again.



3 Responses to “Bay Area Storms”

  1. Wolfi on January 4th, 2008 2:21 pm

    Well, yeah- but how a civilized country can opt not to install any kind of drainage on freeways remains beyond me. Seriously, yes the winds today were bad, but the rain was nothing extremely horrible that would have caused areas in other parts of the country or othern Western civilizations to almost completely shut down.
    Guess it’s more important defending some oak trees in Berkeley than having a good infrastructure.

  2. Matthias on January 4th, 2008 5:02 pm

    That’s not just the Bay Area, though. Virginia would shut down every year when the first snow started falling. People acted like they’d never seen snow before, schools would close after a slight dusting the previous evening – yet it happened *every fucking year*. Might be different in places like Chicago, Madison etc., but the American coasts are generally terrible about this sorta stuff.

  3. Wolfi on January 4th, 2008 9:15 pm

    Yes, it’s definitely different – in ’06, Patrick and I drove from Louisville, KY to Radcliff – that day, the area got an almost record breaking 8 inches of rain (not 2.5, the level it was at in the Bay at 5pm today). You couldn’t SEE shit, but the roads were almost all in perfect driving condition.

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