40 Years on the Red Line

April 25, 2008 · Print This Article

My latest video is now online! This year Infineon Raceway is celebrating its 40th anniversary, and I made a “short history” of the racetrack for the official webpage. I’m really happy with the final result, and have grown a lot as a “filmmaker” (I don’t know if this term applies yet). Filtering through several hours of material encompassing 40 years, wriggling that material down to 8 minutes, and then have everything line up with the interview portions that I shot for the documentary was a nice challenge.

Watch the video on Youtube or go to the Infineon Raceway webpage!



2 Responses to “40 Years on the Red Line”

  1. The Year That Was: 2008 | Homepage: Matthias Worch on December 26th, 2008 4:17 am

    [...] and tests at the track, and in using that footage I gained a lot of experience as a movie editor. The 40 Year documentary was quite a big accomplishment, and the mini promos for the NASCAR and NHRA events were fun. [...]

  2. NASCAR In Game Design Terms | You Got Red On You on April 5th, 2009 2:22 pm

    [...] around in circles for the entire year (with the exception of the two road races, one of which is at Infineon Raceway). But what makes NASCAR so successful is not its perceived simplicity. NASCAR exemplifies many of [...]

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