The Movie Distraction Test
July 6, 2008 · Print This Article
I’d rented two Blu-ray movies for the weekend but didn’t have a chance to watch them, so instead of just returning them I decided to play them in the background while working on the webpage. A great way to judge a movie’s appeal, really: if the movie good, your attention will be drawn to it against your will. If the movie is bad, it’s easy to ignore. Based on this test:
- Spiderwick Chronicles is good.
- 10,000 BC sucks. Bigtime.
10,000 BC sucking isn’t a big surprise, of course. I figured it might be fun for its pretty pictures, or be entertaining in a dumb way, like Stargate. But it’s just a boring, unengaging mess in which I don’t care for any of the characters. Extra negative points for opening the movie with the same mountain ranges as The Two Towers! I thought I was in the wrong movie…
Spiderwick Chronicles is a pleasant surprise. Well told, well executed, great family movie that adults can enjoy as well. Much recommended!
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