Futurama DVD Movies
July 21, 2008 · Print This Article
Somebody explain this to me: how can the 1st Futurama movie be so bad when the 2nd one is so good?
The 1st movie feels like way too many ideas strung together with no coherent structure. It’s all over the place, every major character from the TV series is getting crammed in, and a flimsy time traveling gimmick is trying to hold everything together (but fails). And for some reasons most jokes misfire! The ending is kinda neat, but comes way too late to redeem the movie.
The 2nd movie, on the other hand, is very entertaining. I was just going to watch the beginning late one night, and ended up watching the entire movie all in one sitting. It still feels like a long TV episode with several small plots, but it’s entertaining throughout and never feels drawn out. And the jokes work!
I’m hoping that the 3rd and 4th movies are going to be good. As of now, there’s a 50% chance
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