Beyond Belief in EZQuake

August 7, 2008 · Print This Article

I have added video of two Beyond Belief levels to the Quake page. I played the game using EZQuake and the high-res textures, which is pretty damn neat. Much updated graphics! Particle trails, coronas, distance fog, water effects… gives the game a whole new dimension. Check out these 1600×1200 screenshots, and head over to the Quake page to watch the video!

There’s a few definite problems with EZQuake, most stemming from the fact that it’s mostly designed to be a modern QuakeWorld client with multiplayer capabilities. Getting a single-player game going is a bit of a pain in the ass, especially for the uninitiated player. And a few items don’t seem to behave the way they did in regular Quake. The first BBelief map has an elevator that lowers the first Nailgun that the player gets, plus a monster, and this event is completely broken. The gun hovers in the air – it’s impossible to reach it, and the monster is nowhere to be found.

Those are definite annoyances, but checking out a bunch of maps is still a lot of fun!



One Response to “Beyond Belief in EZQuake”

  1. BBelief2008 Focus | Homepage: Matthias Worch on August 26th, 2008 10:09 pm

    [...] is what got me back to Quake editing in the first place, as I was checking links for my old work, stumbled across EZQuake and then the Quake Expo etc. Maybe I can get a few more oldtimers interested with BBelief2008, the [...]

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