Beyond Belief 2008

August 22, 2008 · Print This Article

In the last two weeks I’ve been working on a little side project, purely for the fun of it. And fun it has been! Straight-forward, old-fashioned Quake. An expected audience of 27. Maybe 28. But that’s the cool part, I don’t have to live up to any expectations that come with modern, professional 3D games. I just get to this for myself, doodle in 3D and remember old times (I’ve always done a lot of level design work while watching the Olympics).

bsp bbelief2008 250x156 Beyond Belief 2008

I’m using BSP for this, which I started using back in 1997 after finishing the original Beyond Belief. It’s great to still see the editor maintained, it works in Vista without a hitch. Running Quake in a floating window for easy map checks certainly is an improvement over the old DOS days icon smile Beyond Belief 2008

I’m not sure when the level will be released, but I’m determined to finish it. I’ll post more information later.



12 Responses to “Beyond Belief 2008”

  1. KuhJoe on August 25th, 2008 5:28 am

    i’m number 29 of your audiences :)

  2. sielwolf on August 28th, 2008 5:53 pm

    And here goes no. 30 yay !

    honestly it’s very cool to see someone of your calibre make a return, a fond memory I have of your maps is the start of mexx4(?), the small room with 4 fiends and only a single shotgun. That kicked huge amounts of ass :)

    Looking forward to your map.

  3. Matthias on August 28th, 2008 6:32 pm

    Thanks, but I didn’t make any of the Mexx maps :) That was Marcus Dromowicz, a great designer in his own right :)

    The only SP maps I released were Beyond Belief and, if you want to count it, Armageddon 2.

  4. sielwolf on August 29th, 2008 12:29 pm


    sorry for the mix-up, still my point stands that it’s very heart-warming to see a highskilled mapper return after so long.


  5. Tim on September 6th, 2008 7:00 am

    Well, let me be #31. I decided to google “quake beyond belief” for kicks and found your site, Matthias. I’m working my way through the hipnotic mission pack right now but I’ll be awaiting this map release eagerly. I actually emailed you back in 2005 to let you know that a couple of buddies and I played our way through BB in coop mode and that it was a really great time. And you even responded. ;)

  6. Evans Tucker on January 10th, 2009 12:43 pm

    I’m rediscovering Quake as well. It’s been forever. I just spent all morning trying to find a Quake engine that would run on Linux. Now I’m trying to restock all my old maps, skins, and mods.

    Keep up the good work! Don’t ever let Quake die. :)

  7. RaverX on December 1st, 2009 5:41 pm

    Any news on this Beyond Belief 2008. Just played again the original Beyond Belief and it’s awesome. It will be 2010 soon – how abound Beyond Belief 2010 ?

  8. Matthias on December 1st, 2009 11:11 pm

    The news is that I’m lame ;( Between doing freelance work, just starting a new job and upcoming GDC 2010 engagements, I haven’t finished BBelief2008 at all. At this rate, it’ll come out in 2010…

  9. RaverX on December 2nd, 2009 3:15 am

    As long as it comes out, it’s cool :)
    What can I say, I work on a single Quake map since 1998, I hope it will be out in 2010…

  10. Mic H3y on December 17th, 2009 3:52 pm

    Hi to everyone !

    Good 2 see Quake commmunity is still alive..

    Me ‘s been working on some SP maps for years (ouch!).. it’s so hard to complete own maps !

    Hi Matthias.. do you prefer QUARK or WORLDCRAFT editor ??

  11. Matthias on December 18th, 2009 12:34 am

    I never really used either one. Back in 96 I used Quest and switched to BSP, which I also used for this map.

  12. Valerio on January 23rd, 2011 2:20 pm

    I’m number 30 of your audiences :)

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