Page Navigation Improvements

October 2, 2008 · Print This Article

A few weeks ago, I invested some time into making the breadcrumbs on top of every page a useful navigation tool to browse my page. That made matters much better – but when looking at image attachments, the trail was missing a link back to the parent post. Which made it a pain to go back to the actual post, and made it impossible for Google image searchers to refer to the post at all. Not anymore, though! I coded up something that includes the parent post in the breadcrumb trail:

new breadcrumbs Page Navigation Improvements

Of course you’ll need to be in an image gallery to see this small, but important change (at least to me icon smile Page Navigation Improvements ). I don’t have any good new images to upload right now, so I copied over a cool post from the last webpage instead: “It’s Alive!”, the animatronics exhibition that Victoria and I visited a couple of years ago. Head over and see what Gizmo, Harry (without the Hendersons) and the American Werewolf in London look like without makeup on!



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