2008 Election Results

November 4, 2008 · Print This Article

We had this idea on our friends mailing list today…and Hugh did the Photoshop work to make it happen. I present to you, in illustrated form, the result of today’s election:

bush obama passing the torch 544x334 2008 Election Results

President Bush passes his legacy to the next President of the United States, Barrack Obama.

Update: It’s hard to be cynical after hearing both John McCain and Barrack Obama’s speeches tonight. I think McCain conceded gracefully, and is finding back to the old McCain that gained so much respect across party lines before the election campaign demons took over. And Obama was very good at being upbeat yet realistic, and rallying people for what will be a very difficult fight.

“Yes we can!”

I believe that, and if the entire country gets behind that message, we will turn the US around!



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