
December 16, 2008 · Print This Article

Cyber-stalking aid, December 2008:

Reading… The Elfish Gene (Marc Barrowcliffe)
Watching… How I Met Your Mother, Season 1
Playing… Gears of War 2
Looking Forward To… Xmas in Germany



2 Responses to “Snapshot”

  1. Warren on December 16th, 2008 12:47 pm

    “Playing… Gears of War 2″


  2. Matthias on December 16th, 2008 1:08 pm

    Yep. After 55 hours of Fallout 3 I’m finally ready to pick up where we left off in coop. I did the hospital/prologue earlier, but stopped then. Not anymore! I am now ready to be a major cock…uh, COG!

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