BBelief 2008 – Looking for Testers

March 8, 2009 · Print This Article

I’m looking for a few brave men and women (5 or so) who want to test a semi-finished version of my Beyond Belief 2008 Quake level. I’m expecting some brief feedback about difficulty, level flow etc. You need to have a beefy system since the level only has a “vis -fast” and is a total resource hog. You want to be a good player, as well, since I only have hard difficulty implemented right now.

If you’re interested please leave a comment with your email address (make sure to “encrypt” it so that spam bots don’t harvest it). I’d like to test the map in as many Quake ports and configurations as possible (classic plain vanilla Quake is out of the question), so please let me know what port you’ll use. I’ve mostly played and test in DarkPlaces, I’m interested to see how FitzQuake etc. perform.



14 Responses to “BBelief 2008 – Looking for Testers”

  1. Warren Marshall on March 8th, 2009 2:47 pm

    You know I’d be down. I’d test in FitzQuake on Mac…

  2. negke on March 8th, 2009 11:54 pm

    Ah, finally! I’d like to test it too (even though you probably should have implemented all skill levels at once for proper testing). I’m not at my home rig at the moment, so this is a chance to see how the map runs on a somewhat weaker machine.


  3. scar3crow on March 9th, 2009 9:18 am

    I’d love to, I’ve played way too much of the original BBelief.

    I primarily use DarkPlaces but sometimes use FitzQuake, and I would hope my machine is beefy enough, since it handles Crysis okay.

  4. scar3crow on March 9th, 2009 9:31 am

    Gah, I assumed you were just gathering the email addresses from the email field required to post.

    davidq who can be emailed at

    Just thinking about this put me back into a Quake mood today…

  5. Matthias on March 9th, 2009 1:52 pm

    Well, that would have worked if I was smart. Yeah, leaving your email address in the email field works, of course ;)

    Looks like I actually found a way to do a full vis for the level in a reasonable time frame, but it’s still 24 hours on a quad-core machine. So I’ll try to have one of those done when I’m ready to get some feedback. Probably later this week.

  6. Spirit on April 7th, 2009 6:46 am

    I just thought of you the other day and wondered what the status on this might be. What a pleasant surprise to see this post (and now I finally subscribed to your feed).

    I don’t want to beta test but if you want a fresh last minute tester just before the release, just shout (also if you are unsure about how to package the zip). :)

  7. Matthias on April 8th, 2009 8:41 am

    It comes and goes – after the tester feedback I didn’t have much time again to work on it. Need to add a few more neat touches, and haven’t found the time. Trying to get back to finishing the level (for real) soon, and I might look for another round of testers then.

  8. Drew on October 22nd, 2009 8:30 pm

    Whenever you do get around to the second round of beta testing, please let me know!

  9. RaverX on December 29th, 2009 5:03 pm

    LOL, I only saw this now, sign me in please, I’ve got a Q9450, 4 gb ddr2 and 8800 Ultra ready :) I don’t think that novis’ed level will make a difference, I am working on a Quake map, it’s quite large and I’m always changing textures in it, adding new stuff, so I can’t vis it, I always compile the bsp without vis, only bsp+lights.

    I can test it in any engine you want, from standard glquake to darkplaces with rygel textures…glqrack, tenebrae, fitzquake, anything you want :)

    My email : hkbeta (at) yahoo (dot) com


  10. Matthias on December 29th, 2009 10:41 pm

    At Lake Tahoe for new years, I’ll send the latest version when I get back…

  11. RaverX on December 30th, 2009 4:29 am

    Cool…Enjoy there :)

    And of course : Happy New Year.

  12. RaverX on January 2nd, 2010 2:50 pm

    Got the level today, thanks Matt :)
    Anyone here who managed to kill Chton ?

  13. Jan on November 15th, 2010 12:01 pm

    Hi Matthias,
    can you send me testing version of BBelief 2008 or is it finished?
    I am using Ezquake. My email jkhq @

  14. negke on June 25th, 2013 1:10 am

    Hi Matze. Can’t you just write a readme and throw the damn thing out? Perfect or not, it’s certainly better off released than forgotten – tying up loose ends and all. Unless, of course, this was actually a test of patience all along, and intented to do justice to the name… ;)

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