Bald Men In Videogames

March 22, 2009 · Print This Article

GossipGamers has a comparison between male main characters from a multitude of modern videogames. And why the similarities are indeed striking, the article is missing the main reason why that’s the case: we simply cannot do good realtime hair in videogames yet. The limitation is slowly going away, and several games have made an effort to put some actual hair on their main guys. But it’s still a pain in the ass to do. That doesn’t excuse all other similarities or uninspired character design, of course. But it does lead to a certain character type.



One Response to “Bald Men In Videogames”

  1. Hellkeeper on March 24th, 2009 8:05 am

    In many case it might also be linked with traditional depictions of shaved soldiers in many armies and the stereotyped tough guy with loads of testosterone that’s been in the western clichés for decades :)

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