World Builder

March 7, 2009

If you have a bit of extra time this weekend, I recommend that you watch Bruce Branit’s World Builder video.

“A strange man builds a world using holographic tools for the woman he loves.”

Many have hailed this video as a look into the possible future of 3D apps (I think that a comparison to level editing tools like UnrealEd would be more fitting). But to me World Builder is something much more important: it’s a testament to what a committed, talented artist can achieve on modern home computers. This short was created by a single guy over the span of two years, and the results are top notch. The tools that he used are accessible to everybody out there with a bit of industry experience. Sure, some of the acting in this film falls a bit flat, but that doesn’t detract from the overall quality of the movie – it’s “professional grade” through and through. And beneath the shiny VFX surface there’s a neat little story, as well. Highly recommended!

Silent Reviews

March 2, 2009

  • Top Gears, Season 12 Ep 2 & 3- Yes
  • Hell Kitchen, Episode 3 & 4 – Yes
  • NSCS race in Vegas – Yes
  • XNA Game Studio – Yes
  • Super Mario Galaxy – Yes
  • Hidden dentist fees – No