Silent Reviews

June 8, 2009 · Print This Article

  • Die drei ??? – Poisoned Email (“American English translation) – No. Bad grammar and stilted expressions aplenty…
  • The Tony Awards – No



2 Responses to “Silent Reviews”

  1. negke on June 9th, 2009 5:39 am

    Heh, you seem to be quite behind on the episodes. Not that you’d be missing much, though – they’ve pretty much run out of ideas. It’s been almost 40 years, after all.

    I recently dug out a few old ??? (and TKKG) tapes from back then. Complete with the old intro music and all… oh, ze memories!!! :)

  2. Matthias on June 9th, 2009 8:50 am

    The episodes all start blending together after a while :) I actually *listened* to this one a few years ago (I got everything up to #120 or so on the iPod), and completely forgot about the that when reading the book. Felt like a new experience! And even that book was bought several years ago, I just never read it.
    Dunno, ??? is one of those guilty pleasures I get into every so often. The series is pretty much played out, but it’s fun. I actually posted about it back in 2006:

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