My New Job

December 27, 2009 · Print This Article

Ever since Lair shipped in 2007, I’ve been waiting to post about the next big game I’d been working on. Unfortunately, game development doesn’t always work that way. When Factor 5 folded at the end of last year the process took my projects with it. And even though I worked on two games in 2009 there wasn’t anything to post about; one game is still unannounced, while the other one ultimately got canceled.

Which is why I’m all the happier to post about my new job, which I started working at a few months ago: I now work at Visceral Games (an Electronic Arts studio), as a Senior Level Designer on Dead Space 2. This was an interesting decision for me for a couple of reasons, not the least of which is the fact that I hadn’t done professional, hands-on 3D shooter level design since Unreal 2 (which was in 2003!). But I very much liked the first game, like this game’s creative director, Wright Bagwell (in fact, I’ve known Wright via the internet since our Quake modding days in 96), and got a good feeling about the team when I visited for my interview. Add the fact that I’d never worked for a company bigger than 150 people (so joining Electronic Arts seemed like a good change of perspective), and that I still love making (although not necessarily finishing) 3D levels whenever possible, and this seemed like a great, logical decision.

So here I am, hoping to contribute to a great follow-up of a great game. I’ll post more about the job and the game as information becomes available. Obviously you won’t read any breaking news here that haven’t already been published officially by EA’s marketing team. But hopefully I’ll be able to point you to a few pieces of information you might otherwise have missed.



7 Responses to “My New Job”

  1. Brian on December 28th, 2009 11:46 am

    Best of luck to you! I’ll soon be playing the first Dead Space and I look forward to you making your mark on the sequel!

  2. Refurs on January 5th, 2010 4:47 pm

    This might be the wrong place to ask, but is the unannounced F5 game still going to see a release? I’d love to see another flight game on Wii.

    Best wishes for your future at Visceral!

  3. Matthias on January 5th, 2010 10:25 pm

    I’d love to answer, but can’t. I think those titles are in legal limbo. Time will tell what (if anything) happens.

  4. Refurs on January 6th, 2010 7:22 am

    That doesn’t sound very promising, sadly. Pretty bad to see what happened to Factor 5/White Harvest in the last year. Still I’m hopeful that you will write some articles about Lair and the Rogue Squadron Trilogy. ;)

  5. André on January 10th, 2010 6:02 am

    Well, all the best for your new job, mate!

  6. Tim on January 19th, 2010 3:04 am


    Wright Bagwell is a name that I didn’t expect to pop up here.

  7. Araz on February 8th, 2010 10:41 am

    Best of luck, Matthias. Good for Electronics Arts.

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