GDC 2010: “What Happened Here?” – Environmental Storytelling

March 11, 2010 · Print This Article

What Happened Here? Environmental Storytelling
Speaker: Harvey Smith (Game Director, Arkane Studios), Matthias Worch (Senior Level Designer, Visceral Games)
Date/Time: Thursday, 3pm – 4pm
Track: Game Design
Format: 60-minute Lecture
Experience Level: All

Session Description
This lecture examines the game environment as a narrative device, with a focus on further involving the player in interpreting (or pulling) information, in opposition to traditional fictional exposition. We provide an analysis of how and why some games in particular create higher levels of immersion and consistency, and we propose ways in which dynamic game systems can be used to expand upon these techniques. The lecture presents the techniques for environmental storytelling, the key to the creation of game spaces with an inherent sense of history; game spaces that invite the player’s mind to piece together implied events and to infer additional layers of depth and meaning. In addition to commonly-used environmental storytelling tools (such as props, scripted events, texturing, lighting and scene composition), we present ideas for using game systems to convey narrative through environmental reaction. Environmental storytelling engages the player as an active participant in narrative; game systems that reflect the player’s agency can do the same. The lecture will analyze existing cases and provide a framework for dynamic environmental storytelling in games.

Intended Audience
This session is aimed at creative directors, narrative designers, level designers and level artists who want to take the environmental storytelling of their games to the next level. A good understanding of the subject matter, and game environmental design in general, is a bonus.

Attendees leave with a clear understanding of traditional environmental storytelling techniques, the current state of the art, and ideas on how to expand these concepts to new proportions using systemic environmental storytelling approaches.

what happened here worch smith 544x407 GDC 2010: What Happened Here?   Environmental Storytelling

Download the slides for this session below. I recommend the notes file, which gives you all slides along with the talking points. You can also download the slides and speaker notes individually.

GDC 2010 Downloads
Slides + Notes (Adobe Acrobat .pdf, 7.5MB)
Slides + Notes, Compressed (Adobe Acrobat .pdf, 2MB)
Slides Only, Compressed (Adobe Acrobat .pdf, 6MB)
Speaker Notes (text file)



11 Responses to “GDC 2010: “What Happened Here?” – Environmental Storytelling”

  1. channie on March 12th, 2010 12:43 am

    Hey Matthias, too bad the conference room was full 10 mins before the session start :(

    Do you know when the level design tutorial slides will be up ? I think Corey forgotten to upload them =)

  2. Matthias on March 12th, 2010 12:48 am

    I sent an email to the group asking about the slides.

  3. Matt Franklin on March 12th, 2010 6:02 pm

    Do you have the PPT slides? I only see the Acrobat ones listed, but would wait for the slides+notes PPT if it’s coming.

  4. Matthias on March 12th, 2010 7:07 pm

    I removed the link to the PPoint file in favor of system-agnostic .pdf, but if you really want the .ppt, it’s still on the server:

  5. Dangerous Archaeology « Fantasy Heartbreaker on March 24th, 2010 5:53 pm

    [...] brings me to a presentation from GDC: “What Happened Here?,” an examination of environmental storytelling by Harvey Smith and Matthias Worch. Smith and Worch [...]

  6. GDC 2010 Stuff « on March 29th, 2010 7:32 am

    [...] on authors' blogs: Joel Burges -"Level Designer, Storyteller" Harvey Smith, Mattias Worch – "What Happened Here? – Environmental Storytelling" Mattias Worch – "Level Design in a Day – Best Practises From The Best in The [...]

  7. AlexG on March 29th, 2010 10:13 am

    Thank you for sharing this Matthias. Great resource.

  8. 3D Gaming and Theory » Excellent Environment Design Resource on December 14th, 2010 5:11 pm

    [...] “What happened Here?” from GDC 2010, slides and notes. [...]

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