Dead Space 2 Release

March 13, 2011 · Print This Article

Dead Space 2 was released just over a month ago! If I haven’t posted about the game yet it’s not because of a lack of love – I’m absolutely stoked with how the game turned out. I just got sucked into my new job at LucasArts and GDC talk preparations. I might post a more complete postmortem later, but for now I’ll leave you with the information that I was the senior level designer on the project and worked on chapters 2, 3 and 6. In other words, everything from the hospital to the church, and the mall/school spaces after the church. I hope you enjoyed the game!



3 Responses to “Dead Space 2 Release”

  1. Judy on March 17th, 2011 1:02 am

    Level 6 in particular kicked my ass!!! hehehe!

    LOVED the game. Just finished it.

    Loved, loved, looooved it.

    Best wishes from Mexico,

  2. Brian on March 25th, 2011 3:53 am

    So cool you worked on Dead Space 2 (and many other games as well…I miss Legend Entertainment :/) Deadspace 2 was a fantastic gaming experience. Level 6…I hated…in a good way. This game was up there (if not better) with God of War 3 in terms of visuals. Stunning.

    I hope we see some more Dead Space in the coming years!

    Good luck at LucasArts!

    Brian (formerly //SGT.SKINNER\\ of the Unreal 2 forums and Seagoat sculptor :p )

  3. pixelsword on July 18th, 2011 10:33 am

    Hey bud!

    I’ve seen you on and off the PSN when I was playing recently, but I was taking notes so I didn’t get a chance to say hi, but the next time you’re on, I’ll give you a shout.

    How’s it going?

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