NASCAR in Sonoma 2008
June 9, 2009
Just like every year, we’re getting closer to the anual Toyota/Savemart 350 at Infineon Raceway. And even though life has been busy and I’ve been laying off the video editing for several months, I haven’t been able to resist NASCAR’s call:
Here’s a new video with footage from the 2008 event. It’s rough around the edges, and several shots could use some better timing. But it gets my adrenaline going… Enjoy!
California Housing
June 8, 2009
If you’re wondering what’s wrong with the housing market in California, look no further than this ad from last Sunday’s paper… SELLER MUST SELL! Well, okay, then! Let me just go to the bank and get a couple of millions from my saving account.
Silent Reviews
June 8, 2009
- Die drei ??? – Poisoned Email (“American English translation) – No. Bad grammar and stilted expressions aplenty…
- The Tony Awards – No
June 5, 2009
In 1990, I bought a 512KB system memory extension for my Amiga 500. Finally, Legend of Faerghail had extra sounds and combat animations!
In 1991, I spent several month’s allowance on 2MB of extra system RAM for my Amiga 500. I never used it, but at least I was able to play the initial, unoptimized retail version Das Schwarze Auge before anybody else could! I never got into the game.
In 1996, I spent over 300 German Marks on 64MB of system RAM for my PC. I thought that the resulting grand totalof 96MB would help me BSP’ing a bunch of tricky maps that I had made for Beyond Belief, but it turns out I was simply blowing up the converters in other places.
In 1999, I bought my first 64MB USB memory stick so that I could transfer files from my laptop to my parents’ home computer. I still have that USB stick, even though I’ve lost every other one since then.
In 2001, I spent over 400 German Marks on a 128MB Compact Memory Card for my camera. I could hold hundreds of 1600×1200 pixel photos I wanted to take during that trip, and I still filled it up.
In 2004, I spent $200 on a 1GB USB stick.I have no idea where it is, or what I used it for.
In 2006, I spent over $300 on a 4GB USB stick. I promptly lost it and bought another one. It died after a year.
In 2008, I bought my current 8GB USB stick for 100 bucks. It’s secured to my key chain with two metal rings, but even then it sometimes comes off.
Today, I saw 8GB USB sticks for less than 20 dollars. Each one could save approximately 15,000 copies of Legend of Faerghail.
Now, where is my 32GB iPhone?
Silent Reviews
May 31, 2009
- Up – Yes
- A Night at the Museum – Meh
- The DaVinci Code – Meh
- Angels & Demons (audio book) – Yes (until the final part)
I’m bahaaaaack! It might take a bit to get back to regular updates, though
Testing The New Server
May 11, 2009
Testing server migration. Back to regular business soon!
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