Dead Space 2 Trailer

December 9, 2010

The latest and greatest trailer for Dead Space 2 has been released, hope you like it and will buy the game! It’s hands down the best title I’ve worked on so far. I did the level design for all those “Sprawl in chaos” sections shown in the video.

Internet Indecision

May 23, 2010

I saw this in the newspaper and immediately had to Google it, post it to my webpage, and let all my Facebook friends know about it.

pearlsbeforeswine 544x255 Internet Indecision

Oh, an email!

First Dead Space 2 Trailer

April 30, 2010

You can watch the high-res version of this video on the official Dead Space page.

Isaac Clarke, Patient File

April 26, 2010

dead space rorshach 544x395 Isaac Clarke, Patient File
isaac clarke patient file 659x1024 Isaac Clarke, Patient File

Build a Tower, Build a Team

April 24, 2010

Important lessons to learn for game development (and many other walks of life).

Dead Space 2 Footage

April 10, 2010

Coming out of PAX East, here’s a small video of Dead Space 2 in action.

Kotaku has the full story with additional commentary.

With this said, I won’t get into the habit of writing about every little future Dead Space 2 snippet (non-official, no less) that makes it onto the internet. But since it’s the first moving footage of the game, and a scene from one of the levels that I’m working on (I don’t deserve credit for the implementation of this particular sequence, though), and I’m happy to link to it. Hope it gets your imagination going, and thinking about the possibilities.