Solaris Base

June 7, 2004 · Print This Article

This is an unfinished (but fully playable) Unreal 2 level (based on the PC Games tutorial I wrote in 2003) that I released to the community. No scripting or particle effects, but the map is fully playable and provides at least 30 minutes of gameplay. See if you can find all secret areas, there’s three dead hidden scientists! More information can be found in the Solaris Base readme.

Download Solaris Base.

DM-Memento Mori

December 21, 1999 · Print This Article

dm mm1 DM Memento Moridm mm2 DM Memento Mori

Deathmatch map for Unreal Tournament that I created December 99, right after Wheel of Time and Unreal Tournament had shipped. Includes all new textures that had been created for some early Unreal environments but never made it into a shipped level. Good for 4-16 players, can also be played in Domination mode. More information can be found in the DM-MM readme.

Download DM-MementoMori.