IGDA Talk!

August 14, 2005 · Print This Article

igda logo IGDA Talk!I am scheduled to talk at the next San Francisco IGDA meeting. It will be an updated version of my GDC lecture, focusing on how we created the dragons in the teaser trailer. I’ll add more information when the meeting gets announced, mark Oct 4 in your calendar!

Factor 5 at Siggraph

July 22, 2005 · Print This Article

Factor 5 is hiring for several art and design positions! If you at at Siggraph, come visit us at job booth #72. Or check our listsings on Factor5.com.

Feedback for ‘Game Job Conference and Resume Workshop’

July 5, 2005 · Print This Article

Next-Generation has posted an article about the conference I spoke at. I was on two panels, and there’s a blurb from me on the second page.

Game Initiative Event

May 29, 2005 · Print This Article

I will be on some of the panels at the San Francisco Game Job Conference and Resume Workshop. Say hi if you happen to be there! In other news, I’m slowly recovering from E3 madness and there should be updates again soon icon smile Game Initiative Event

Gamasutra Article

March 13, 2005 · Print This Article

Gamasutra has a small article about my GDC talk (Gamasutra account required?). Probably the next-best thing to being there – at least for now (you can always buy the procedings icon smile Gamasutra Article ) The article is inaccurate in that Leon was scanned by a Cyberware M15 scanner, not the XYZ RGB scanner I talked about later. There’s some other things I don’t remember saying quite like that, but I guess that just goes to show that what you think you’re saying and what people understand isn’t always the same.

GDC Talk

March 9, 2005 · Print This Article

So I’ve officially survived this year’s GDC talk. If you came here looking for the slides please give me a few days to get everything up to snuff, I’ll make them available for download shortly.
I think it went pretty well if you disregard the fact that I was 20 minutes lates (I have an excuse, but I doubt anybody wants to hear it) and if you consider that I was doing the thing on only three hours of sleep (had to rerender a corrupted movie late last night). I’m looking forward to getting the feedback forms and seeing what people thought. I wanted to make sure that everybody got something out of it, and be it just a lead to a potetial program. Hopefully it didn’t come across too much like an unsolicited sales pitch for CySlice icon smile GDC Talk

Update 03/16: Almost there, just have to record some movies demonstrating the programs.

GDC Lecture Dated

February 4, 2005 · Print This Article

leon GDC Lecture DatedMy GDC 2005 lecture is really starting to take shape, with several Factor 5 artists helping me out with demo assets now. I realized that it would be impossible for me to create all the art required for this talk, so Pat, Kursad and Alessandro stepped in and came up with some kick-ass digital content. I will also have the Leon maquette for review, courtesy of CG Toolkit. The talk will happen between 9am and 10am on Wed the 9th. That’s the very first timeslot of the conference, with the Microsoft keynote following at 10:30. Hopefully enough people will be anxious for the conference to start and attend the early sessions, anyway.

GDC 2005 Lecture

November 2, 2004 · Print This Article

My talk has been officially added to the GDC page! (Much) more later.