Gone for a Few Days

June 30, 2006 · Print This Article

Going to Tahoe for the weekend. Happy 4th of July everybody!

Tires Anybody?

June 17, 2006 · Print This Article

sfpd 408x544 Tires Anybody?

SFPD car with no tires at a random body shop south of Mission. Did it have all its tires stolen right at that spot or what? This seemed marginally funnier Thursday night after a few beers, but it’s just as random and unexpected now.

More Finches

June 17, 2006 · Print This Article

finches 408x544 More Finches

I busted my knee and couldn’t do much today. Except for stalking finches on the porch with my camera, it seems. More finches. They crack me up. I dunno why, but birds have always had that effect on me.

100k Miles!

June 17, 2006 · Print This Article

100k 544x408 100k Miles!

I declare today Random Picture Day! Victoria really loved this moment when her (just recently 100% paid off!) car passed the magic 100k mark. How often do you get to witness that in your life, after all?

Finch Feeders…

June 11, 2006 · Print This Article

…attract finches. Funny how that works.

finch 408x544 Finch Feeders...

R.I.P. Terry

May 13, 2006 · Print This Article

terry 544x408 R.I.P. Terry

R.I.P. Terry. 1991 – 2006.

It’s Not Easy Being Green

May 8, 2006 · Print This Article

I have this trail to the next deli that I often walk during lunch hour. It’s a bit of street and a lot of hills and trees. So about 10 weeks ago I noticed a flurry of movement in one of the puddles on the side of the trail. Tadpoles, and a lot of them. 2 weeks later the sun had evaporated a lot of the water (the puddle would dry out later before most tadpoles had turned into frogs). So I figured why not take a few tadpoles to the office, feed them and see what happens. We did this kinda stuff all the time when we were kids, after all. 8 weeks later I have about 15 frogs in my little watertank, pictured below. They’re fun to watch, even though coworkers find the occasional escaped cricket on their desks icon smile Its Not Easy Being Green

frogs 544x408 Its Not Easy Being Green


May 1, 2006 · Print This Article

I still haven’t found a way to read out pictures straight from my camera (something about the drivers went horribly wrong), but my shiny new Dell 2405FPW at work has various built-in card readers, including one for my CompactFlash cards. So while I haven’t taken any pictures of the house yet, I did get my backlog of pictures from the last few months. To start things off, here’s a picture of Jeremy, the budgie we bought for Victoria a while ago.

jerry 450x544 Jeremy

Picture didn’t turn out as clear as they could have (stupid auto focus), but it’ll have to do for now.

Car Trouble

May 1, 2006 · Print This Article

Generally I love my car. It’s fast, fun to drive and perfect for this area. But a cargo giant it is not. You can fit about one suitcase into the trunk and that’s that, when buying some small furniture a few years ago I had to rent a uHaul truck to transport the stuff home.
Case in point: this morning I had a flat tire, and after installing my spare the old tire did did not fit in the trunk. I had to transport it on the passenger’s seat instead. I guess lifestyle has its price or something…

The Big Three Zero

February 11, 2006 · Print This Article

Wow, my 30th birthday. This could be a time for a lot of self reflection, but I just haven’t managed to stress out about this date yet. I’m way too busy and life is going great! icon smile The Big Three Zero Victoria and Wolfi threw me a surprise birthday party on Thursday night during our weekly Walzwerk get-together, and surprised I was! I was prepared for something for this date, but it just hadn’t occurred to me that we would celebrate before the actual date. Really cool, a lot of people came out and I got more white chocolate out of than can possibly be good for me. Picture courtesy of Wolfi.

dreizigster 544x408 The Big Three Zero

So, what am I going to do on my actual birthday? Setting my alarm for 4am to catch the men’s 20km Biathlon live on TV, for one. Because it’s something that I have liked to do for a long time, and if American television gives me the chance to catch it live I will take it! Watch the first NASCAR (show) race of the season with Victoria tonight, as well. Sleep and go out hiking a lot in-between to make up for all the TV. And open the remaining presents from everybody. Which reminds me…I think I’ll have to leave now!