March 27, 2007 · Print This Article
You know how you sometimes wake up with a song stuck in your head that you really don’t want in there? What’s even worse is waking up in the middle of the night and having a song stuck in your head, and you can’t go back to sleep because your mind is racing around that song.
I had this stuck in my head at 4am last night. If you didn’t watch German television in the 90s it might not quite have the same ring to it, but let me tell you – as funny as that skit was, you do not want it in your head! What’s worse, the only song I know that will reliably purge an unwanted song on command is Duran Duran’s “Rio” – and having that in your head instead isn’t exactly a picnic, either. I feel kinda drained this morning…
While we’re on the subject, mehr Hape in Reinkultur.
New From Apple
February 5, 2007 · Print This Article
Presenting the “iPod”, a digital music player that can hold 1000 songs on its 5GB harddrive. As Steve Job explains in the video, this is a great growth opportunity for Apple and might just revolutionize the music market.
It would be too easy to laugh at the low specs of the original, 1st generation iPod. “Oh, look how quaint it was! 1000 songs? How cute!” But honestly, even back then everybody could project where the technology was going and how fast the product would grow to its current 160GB video incarnation. Maybe I’ll do the “Oh, how quaint!” thing 30 years from now, when I connect to the music collection of the entire world via the microchip that’s implanted in my brain.
What I find much more fun is how low-key this announcement event was compared to today’s keynotes. Small room, quiet crowd, subdued…okay, never mind: same Steve Jobs. But that’s the passion, showmanship and, uhm…”assholeness?” that made Apple what it is today. It starts at the top and trickles down.
That doesn’t look very healthy…
September 23, 2006 · Print This Article
But apparently it is. Just watch the video and ignore the (German) commentary. Freaked out yet?
The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins
July 23, 2006 · Print This Article
God bless YouTube. Sure, they are still trying to figure out how to convert their popularity into profitablity without scaring away their user base, but they bring us easily accessible gems like this Leonard Nimoy obscurity. We had it on the Legend network a few years ago and were scratching our heads, now I can finally watch it again!
Lecker Mittachesse
July 3, 2006 · Print This Article
Immer noch (mal wieder?) genial Das waren doch noch Zeiten, wo man nur “Duschhaube” sagen musste und jedermann lachte automatisch!
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