Silent Reviews

April 27, 2009 · Print This Article

  • 17 Again – Competent…

Napa and Columbine

April 20, 2009 · Print This Article

Today marks the 10th anniversary of the day when two teenage boys entered the Columbine High School, carrying duffel bags that contained the guns and home-built propane bombs they would use to wantonly attack their fellow students. What followed is one of the deadliest school shooting in US history; an event that shook up the nation, sparked a cultural debate, inspired a movie, and created a term that has become synonymous with school shootings all around the world: Columbine.

Today also marks the day that an armed man walked across the Napa Valley Collage campus (my wife’s school), putting the college under a total lockdown, with SWAT teams and helicopters combing the perimeter for the suspect.

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Silent Reviews

April 20, 2009 · Print This Article

  • Watchment (movie) – Yes
  • Bolt (Blu-ray) – Yes
  • Rachel Getting Married (Blu-ray) – Yes
  • Depeche Mode: Sounds Of The Universe – Yes

Silent Reviews

April 13, 2009 · Print This Article

  • A Quantum of Solace (Blu-ray) – Yes
  • MLB2009 iPhone app – Yes
  • Hypothetical MLB2009 iPhone app without bugs – Yes

The Power of Package Design

April 10, 2009 · Print This Article

tropicana redesign The Power of Package has an article on how the Tropicana box redesign caused a 20% sales plunge. I can’t say I’m surprised; I remember seeing those new boxes at the supermarket and not recognizing them as Tropicana (or orange juice) in the first place. When I did, my reaction was “Why?” It seemed unnecessary when the old design was so powerful. A straw sticking in an orange communicates “100% orange juice from fresh produce! It’s like drinking straight from the orange!” The new design looked like a weird buttermilk carton instead. It even took me a while to figure out that the graphic represents a glass of juice! When seen from a few feet awsy, it looks like some sleek gradient design.

Obviously the Tropicana story serves as a strong lesson in the importance of branding. What seems unnecessary is the specific mention of designer Peter Arnell in the article. The man might be an asshole, but the designer didn’t make the final decision on this new design. He probably didn’t even set the direction. A whole army of brand managers at Tropicana did, and deserve the blame.

Anyway, none of this really affects Victoria and I. We’re Minute Maid people icon wink The Power of Package Design

Silent Reviews

April 6, 2009 · Print This Article

Marley & Me – Not really
Monsters vs Aliens – Kind of…
The 3D Effect – Yes
Watchmen (book) – YES

The Best Way To Rob A Bank Is To Own One

April 5, 2009 · Print This Article

This PBS interview with William K Black provides a great overview of the current banking crisis. How did we get here, where were the regulators, why is nobody getting prosecuted for fraud? Because, as Blake lays out quite convincingly, banking fraud is what created this crisis. A giant Ponzi Scheme, officially sanctioned and never investigated by the government. A tiny snippet from the 30-minute interview:

BILL MOYERS: And we have to know that, in order to know what?

WILLIAM K. BLACK: To know everything. To know who committed the frauds. Whose bonuses we should recover. How much the assets are worth. How much they should be sold for. Is the bank insolvent, such that we should resolve it in this way? It’s the predicate, right? You need to know the facts to make intelligent decisions. And they’re deliberately leaving in place the people that caused the problem, because they don’t want the facts. And this is not new. The Reagan Administration’s central priority, at all times, during the Savings and Loan crisis, was covering up the losses.

BILL MOYERS: So, you’re saying that people in power, political power, and financial power, act in concert when their own behinds are in the ringer, right?

WILLIAM K. BLACK: That’s right. And it’s particularly a crisis that brings this out, because then the class of the banker says, “You’ve got to keep the information away from the public or everything will collapse. If they understand how bad it is, they’ll run for the exits.”

Silent Reviews

March 30, 2009 · Print This Article

  • Rhythm Heaven – Yes
  • Nick & Nora’s Infinite Playlist – No
  • I Love You, Man – Yes
  • GDC – Yes

Silent Reviews

March 23, 2009 · Print This Article

  • Sisterhood Of The Travelling Pants 2 -  Surprisingly Yes (as much as a guy can like it…)
  • Futurama – Into The Green Yonder – Yes
  • Bram Stoker’s Dracula (Blu-ray) - Yes

I’m going to stop posting about weekly TV unless it’s a big TV event (season opener/ending etc.), and only focus on media that’s readily available. We’ll see if there’s enough content to keep these reviews going (they’re already pretty content-free anyway, aren’t they?)

Silent Reviews

March 16, 2009 · Print This Article

  • This Week In Nascar – Yes
  • America’s Next Top Model – Yes
  • Murphy’s Pub Trivia Night – We didn’t know much
  • Fairfax Brewfest – Yes
  • Elisabethtown (DVD) – Kind of…
  • AIG – NO