Bristol Palin Breakup

March 11, 2009 · Print This Article

Bristol Palin, daughter of Sarah Palin, and the father of her infant, Levi Johnston, have broken up according to People magazine. [...]
Bristol gave birth to Tripp Easton Mitchell Johnston back on December 28th of last year. She is currently taking classes in hopes of finishing her high school education.


I’m not here to gloat. I’m not here to judge or point fingers. Bristol Palin is a teenager, as is her ex(?) boyfriend. They have their whole life ahead of them. They’re at a stage in their life designed to figure out what and who they want to be. They are allowed to lead their lives the way they want. But boy, isn’t it obscene how badly the wholesome Republican world view is crashing down on them just a months after the GOP convention? And for that – that “wishful thinking” way of looking at the world, that “it’s gonna be perfect because we will it so” outlook on life, that hanging on to fairy tale values even when doing so might not be realistic or make sense – for that I award the first annual Jean-Luc Picard Facepalm Award.

facepalm Bristol Palin Breakup

Less than five months ago, the Palin family was presented as the perfect ideal of the perfect, ideal American family. Abstinence policies work! (Only it didn’t.) Palin’s daughter is going to marry her soon-to-ship-off-to-Iraq hero boyfriend! (Only they didn’t.) They’re going to raise the baby together! (Only they won’t.) “Vote for us! We’re calling it how it is, and our sense of reality is impeccable!”

And now what are we left with? Another teenage mother who is caring for her baby while trying to finish highschool. I’m sure she will do fine, the Palin family can offer a lot of support. Once again, it isn’t my intention to say “I told you so.” But I’m pissed. Not about the situation that Bristol Palin is now finding herself in. About a GOP who was either seriously believing their own hype, or trying to bullshit the country regardless. And too many people actually bought into it. Sad, sad, sad…

Silent Reviews

March 9, 2009 · Print This Article

  • This Week in Nascar – Yes
  • Hell’s Kitchen – Yes
  • Killzone 2 Demo, 1st try - No(will try again, though)
  • America’s Next Top Model – Guilty pleasure Yes
  • The Dark Knight (Blu-ray) – Yes! No! Some parts! I just don’t get it…
  • NSCS Race in Atlanta – The end was kinda exciting…

Silent Reviews

March 2, 2009 · Print This Article

  • Top Gears, Season 12 Ep 2 & 3- Yes
  • Hell Kitchen, Episode 3 & 4 – Yes
  • NSCS race in Vegas – Yes
  • XNA Game Studio – Yes
  • Super Mario Galaxy – Yes
  • Hidden dentist fees – No

Silent Reviews

February 23, 2009 · Print This Article

  • Hell Kitchen, Episode 2 – Yes
  • The Biggest Loser – Meh…
  • The Curious Case of Benjamin Button – Yes
  • Frost/Nixon – Yes
  • Top Gear Season 12 opener – Yes
  • NNS race in Fontana – No
  • NSCS race in Fontana – Meh… (but hey, my driver won!)
  • The 81st Annual Tony Awards – Yes (but if I was Peter Gabriel, I’d be pissed)
  • The 81st Annual Academy Awards – Not so much (but still fun enough to watch)
  • Hugh Jackman – Yes

“Secret Recipe”? Yeah right.

February 18, 2009 · Print This Article

Am I the only one who is amused by Coca Cola ads that tout the commitment to their “secret recipe”? When, you know, HFCS profoundly changed the taste of their drink over the last three decades? Yeah, the Coca Cola Company is certainly committed to the purity of their drinks. Not marketing.

Silent Reviews

February 16, 2009 · Print This Article

  • RENT Live on Broadway (Blu-ray) – Yes
  • Daytona 500…
    Gavin DeGraw’s national anthem – WTF?
    Digger Cartoons – No
    Race – No
  • Food poisoning – NO

Silent Reviews

February 9, 2009 · Print This Article

American Idol – No (stopped watching)
Superbowl XLIII – Yes
Superbowl 3D Commercials/”Chuck” in 3D – No
Hell’s Kitchen – Yes
Grammys – No
NASCAR Budweiser Shootout – No

Silent Reviews

January 26, 2009 · Print This Article

American Idol San Francisco – Kind of…
American IdolLouisville – Yes
Deja Vu (screenplay) – Yes
Obama Inauguration – Yes

Silent Reviews

January 19, 2009 · Print This Article

American Idol Phoenix – Yes
American Idol Kansas City – Yes
Ravens/Steelers game – No (judged by entertainment value)
Cardinals/Eagles game – Kind of… (Eagles comeback started making things interesting)

Silent Reviews

January 12, 2009 · Print This Article

Titans/Ravens game – Yes (judged by entertainment value)
Giants/Eagles game – Kind of… (judged by entertainment value)
Steelers/Chargers game – No (judged by entertainment value)
That new Subway “$5 foot-long” commercial – No
Golden Globes – Yes