Sunday Riddle

December 7, 2008 · Print This Article

What is this man doing? Click on the image to find out.

coconut peeler 544x357 Sunday Riddle

Blockbuster’s Little Secret

December 3, 2008 · Print This Article

blockbuster Blockbusters Little SecretEver since Blu-ray, I have started renting more movies again. In Sonoma, that means Blockbuster Video. At this point, it probably means “Blockbuster” in every other part of the country as well. I remember the olden days back in Virginia when I frequented alternatives like the (now assimilated) Hollywood Video, but Blockbuster seems to be taking over the business completely.

Not that they don’t have their own problems, of course. Under constant assault by mail and download services like Netflix, Blockbuster has been trying to reinvent its retail chain pretty aggresively. One major change came a few years ago, when Blockbuster happily announced “the end of late fees”. Which was obvious bullshit, of course – Blockbuster just tried to pass itself off as a “try before you buy” outfit: the traditional late fees became a “restocking fee”, and late movies were automatically converted into a purchase. Highly misleading, and several states would have none of it.

Even so, the basic policy still stands. Movies are due after 5 days, late rentals are converted into a purchase that can be negated within 30 days for a restocking fee. Except, that’s not really the truth. Blockbuster movies aren’t due after 5 days, as they boldly proclaim on stickers and store windows.

It’s actually 12 days.

[Read more]

Silent Reviews

December 1, 2008 · Print This Article

Hellboy II (Blu-ray) – Yes
Australia (Trailers) – No
AT&T “thumbfaces” texting commercialNo
Valkyrie (Trailer) – Maybe
Pinks All Out in SonomaYes
Kota, The TriceratopsYes

Silent Reviews

November 24, 2008 · Print This Article

Kung Fu Panda (DVD) – Yes
Star Trek XI Trailer -  Maybe
Wall•E (Blu-ray) – Yes
Playstation Home – Maybe
Bailout for US Auto Makers – No

I stole the format from Charlie’s page, which is currently in reconstruction mode (so I can’t link to his previous Silent Reviews). I’ll probably do one every Monday, to quickly comment on any media and events that didn’t warrant a full post.

Finish The Sentence

November 23, 2008 · Print This Article

Early Sunday morning, with the 49ers – Cowboys game playing in the background. Good time to catch up on a post that Victoria made last September.

I AM … currently trying to do three things at once.
I WANT… Americans to realize that not politicians, but hard work and responsibility will end the economic crisis.
I HAVE … finally caught up on sleep. I think.
I KEEP … finding new projects before I’m finished with old ones.
I WISH I COULD … relax more on weekends.
I HATE … drivers who slow down as soon as they see a cop at the side of the road, even though they were going the speed limit.
I FEAR … people who think that Sarah Palin is the future of the Republican party.
I HEAR … Victoria talking to my parents on the phone.
I DON’T THINK … it’s close to Christmas yet, no matter how much corporate America wants us to believe it.
I REGRET … not blowing up Megaton in Fallout 3.
I LOVE … exploring the area with Victoria.
I AM NOT … going to watch Quantum Of Solace.
I DANCE … whenever Victoria grabs me.
I SING … in the car.
I NEVER … lose hope.
I RARELY … laugh during movies that I find funny.
I CRY WHEN I WATCH … the ending of “The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill”.
I AM NOT ALWAYS … sure we will be able to afford a house this year.
I HATE THAT … responsible people are caught in the mess that irresponsible bankers and home buyers created for us.
I’M CONFUSED ABOUT … wildly varying Feedburner subscriber stats.
I NEED … to feed the birds.
I SHOULD … finish my Quake level.

This isn’t one of those chain letter type posts, but if you’re reading this and have a blog, you should do your own version and let us know!

Impressions From Maui, Part 2

November 20, 2008 · Print This Article

To round out the vacation, here’s a few additional nice pictures from our Maui trip. Looking back at it now and comparing the experience to Kauai last year, I liked Kauai a little bit better. But that’s personal preference, the more rural nature of Kauai just suits me better. Maui had a few touristy hotspots that were missing from Kauai, though. I think my ideal island (“Kaui”?) would be created by transplanting Lahaina onto Kauai.


November 12, 2008 · Print This Article

Cyber-stalking aid, November 2008:

Enjoying… Six days in Maui.
Reading… The Phoenix Endangered (Mercedes Lackey and James Mallory). Simplistic, but decent beach reading.
Watching… Battlestar Galactica Season 3. Yes, I’m behind.
Playing… Fallout 3. Well, at least I would be if I was home. I’m addicted.
Dreading… Having to leave Maui.
Starting… Something new at work. That was the one bad thing about going on vacation this week, work is exciting right now!

The Ghost of ILM, Part 2

November 7, 2008 · Print This Article

Anybody who remembers my Ghost of ILM post about Circuit City store #238, which is located in the less desirable neighborhood of San Rafael, will not be surprised that it’s on the list of the 155 stores that Circuit City is closing in their restructuring effort. There were people advertising the closeout sale in front of the Best Buy today. Kinda smart, there might be some great deals for anybody who lives in this area. But I don’t feel like spending big money on any consumer electronics right now. Given the economy, I’m wondering if anybody will.

2008 Election Results

November 4, 2008 · Print This Article

We had this idea on our friends mailing list today…and Hugh did the Photoshop work to make it happen. I present to you, in illustrated form, the result of today’s election:

bush obama passing the torch 544x334 2008 Election Results

President Bush passes his legacy to the next President of the United States, Barrack Obama.

Update: It’s hard to be cynical after hearing both John McCain and Barrack Obama’s speeches tonight. I think McCain conceded gracefully, and is finding back to the old McCain that gained so much respect across party lines before the election campaign demons took over. And Obama was very good at being upbeat yet realistic, and rallying people for what will be a very difficult fight.

“Yes we can!”

I believe that, and if the entire country gets behind that message, we will turn the US around!

Pop Culture Wisdom

November 1, 2008 · Print This Article

“We trade honesty for companionship.”
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles

“Women think they’re so clever because they can fake an orgasm for the sake of a relationship, but men can fake a whole relationship for the sake of an orgasm.”
Playboy’s Party Jokes

(And no, neither of these quotes pertain to my relationship with Victoria icon razz Pop Culture Wisdom I just thought they were clever observations.)